Sunday, August 2, 2009

Taiwan XI: Mt Hehuan (合欢山)

Taroko 019
As we went higher and higher, the fog became thicker and thicker..

Taroko 020
To infinity, and beyo-

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Driving on a foggy, dreamy road..

Taroko 022
Our transport, stopping for a toilet break..

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A lucky break in the clouds to allow a view of the mountains

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At the edge of the world..

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Sub-10 degree Celsius. And we were wearing t-shirt and shorts.

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Stand (and sit) tall..

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Mirror mirror on the road

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At the peak.. 3394m above sea level

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Yikang the metro

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Endless range of mountains..

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Standing at the top

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Panorama of the mountain ranges, click to enlarge!

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The conquerors of Mt Hehuan

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The setting sun..

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The sea of clouds

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House in the clouds..

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The final rays of the sinking sun

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Another panorama! Click to enlarge!!

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